Join us in the creation of the "Obama Cheer" project. 

We are a group of creative professionals in lower Manhattan who are volunteering our skills to rally our nation around a voice of hope.

Our goal is to teach America a cheer that will get us off our seat and ensure McCain a quick defeat! Let's create a cheer so inspirational, so energetic, so contagious that America will join 75,000 people at the Denver stadium to shout out - "O-B-A-M-A! Change is gonna start today!" 

So far, friends have gathered to begin the creative process. As the cheer develops, we will document the evolution and then set out with cameras in hand, and invite you to do the same, to teach and record EVERYONE who wants to do the "Obama Cheer".

Be part of the process as we document on video the evolution of the "Obama Cheer." Contact us via email.

Watch this space for how YOU can become involved in our video project to help Barack Obama become the next President of the United States!  (Scroll to the bottom to see how it all began.)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Think Tank #2

For the next brainstorming session on Wednesday July 16 we assembled another small group of friends, and friends of friends...broke out the snacks and drinks again, and briefed them on what has been accomplished up to this point.  After the briefing, we all agreed we needed more "fun" in our lyrics and content, while keeping it simple and easy to learn.  Repetition of lines, was a big theme this night as well as ANYTHING that rhymed with "-ation", and here are some of the verses this crew came up with (in no particular order):

Listen to our proclamation
We are gonna heal the nation

Red or Blue, a separation
Will NOT divide our generation

STOP the bleeping hesitation
End the damn procrastination
Let McCain go on vacation
WE are gonna heal the nation

Let's begin to heal the nation
It will be our own creation
There must be no hesitation
We are gonna heal the nation

It's not just imagination
We will have the dedication
With the power of the nation
We will have a celebration!

Watch the meeting ...

I think we got all the "-ation" rhymes out of our system...some of these verses will certainly make the final cheer.

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